

Welcome from Muse of Social Media


Internet Providers Betray Followers

Since the public exposure of NSA's secret collusion with web giants Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, AOL and Skype to spy on Social Media members, subscribers, friends, fans and fellow travelers, the Billion Dollar Boys have suffered some major wounds.
If each of the big Internet co-conspirators - Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, AOL and Skype - were a Goliath, we'd be looking at each one as a battle casualty. Since the exposure of the Government-Giants collusion, the response of the wounded giants has been to hire public relations firms to help plead their victimhood. "We're innocent." "We didn't know."

Their bloodied images, their pleas for forgiveness cannot stem the tide of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of previously faithful followers, who can be seen dazed, confused, disillusioned, upset, betrayed, abandoning Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, AOL and Skype.

Internet Provider spies

The abandoned and betrayed army of friends and followers can't believe Goliath let the government snoops in through the back door. The disillusioned have learned that their only importance to the giants has been to be served up as fodder for the advertisers.

When asked what the "product" of Facebook is, most members claim they "don't know." The answer of course is "You." You, the member of all social media, are the product that the giants of all Social Media get paid for. Advertisers pay their cherished Facebook, Twitter, et. al. for serving up their heads on a platter to the top bidder. The benefits to the members have been minimal, if non existent.

The scorned masses are wondering in search of an alternative Social Media model that is more beneficial to them and their needs, and as far away from the snoops and Madison Avenue as possible.

Their bloodied images, their pleas for forgiveness cannot stem the tide of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of previously faithful followers, who can be seen dazed, confused, disillusioned, upset, betrayed, abandoning Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, AOL and Skype.

The abandoned and betrayed army of friends and followers can't believe Goliath let the government snoops in through the back door. The disillusioned have learned that their only importance to the giants has been to be served up as fodder for the advertisers.

When asked what the "product" of Facebook is, most members claim they "don't know." The answer of course is "You." You, the member of all social media, are the product that the giants of all Social Media get paid for. Advertisers pay their cherished Facebook, Twitter, et. al. for serving up their heads on a platter to the top bidder. The benefits to the members have been minimal, if non existent.

The scorned masses are wondering in search of an alternative Social Media model that is more beneficial to them and their needs, and as far away from the snoops and Madison Avenue as possible.

What is the answer?

The answer is Unonymous, an alternative model for social interaction online, based on respect to fulfill the needs of the members for group activities without selling out to government and advertisers.

Learn about Unonymous HERE.



Welcome to Unonymous.org, where your digital communications are safe and secure in an identity platform that shields you from the unwanted intrusion of snoops, spam and scams behind a firewall that extends beyond the Net and beyond the Cloud. As a member of Unonymous.org you'll enjoy peace of mind.

Your identity is safe and secure within a potent U architecture that shields you from the vagaries and threats of the hackers, slackers and government snoopers. Your identity is not lost as in an anonymous cloud of anonymity. Rather your identity is secured in a Universal force field that extends beyond the Net and beyond the Cloud.

U Blind
U Cups

U Pad
U Cover

U Mirror
U Apparel

Unonymous is to anonymous, as fullness is to emptiness. Mr. U created the U Security Program for identity enhancement through identify inclusion rather than identity loss. Developed in university research laboratories, a national security center, and with private contractors, the U program evolved over decades into a sophisticated computing and networking system for identity management.

Learn more about Unonymous.org and visit Unony Store.

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Unonymous 1 – Welcome

Introduction to U

Welcome to Unonymous.

I am on a crusade for "U" and, yes, for "you" too. For more than half a century I have been living with U intimately bound up in my life. You see, I have "you" in my name. My family name is Youra. In my name I have "you" "your" and "youra." Youra revolves around "u"

Youra can be transcribed as "You're a ______" where you fill in the blank. You can imagine the suggested entries from playground talk in grade school. My personal entries to complete the open sentence were commonly "winner" and "success."

"So what?" you ask. So, I'll tell you what.

You have been a part of my life from day one and now I am offering to be a part of yours. I can show you a thing or two about "U" – somethings that I think just might help you.

You'll learn about U World, the U-niverse, origins and meanings of U and U access in Millennium Three. You'll discover the explosion of U on the world wide web and the implosion of U in cell phones, specifically in SMS text messaging.

I'll be introducing you to a few of my virtual friends – the U Family – who will help me demonstrate the value U can be in transforming your life. You'll meet Ulysses, the precocious son, his sister Ureka and their parents Uclid, "the brain", and Urana, "the heart".

But first I want to tell you more about "U World."

[Go To U World]

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U Blind

U Cups

U Pad

U Cover

U Mirror

U Apparel

Unonymous 2 – U World

U World

U World.

Utopia begins with U. The center of thought is U. Computers don't work without U. They revolve around U. They depend upon a CPU – Central Processing Unit. There is no focus without U. No luck. No sun. U unites us into a USA and a UN. The paraphrase the toy seller, "U 'r us"

Popular power revolves around U. The center of truth is U. There is no foundation without U. No solution.

Revolutions revolve around U.

At one time, U was the same as V. In early Latin before its devolution into the Romance languages U shared a common identity with value, volition and victory. We'll explore more on the linguistic origins of U later.

For now, keep in mind that the future needs U.

Let's get started and open the universal door, a door into a world for you to explore and discover "U" where "You're a success", a world where Power is "Double U".
[Go To U is Universal]

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U Blind

U Cards

U Pad

U Cover

U R.I.P.

U Apparel

Unonymous 3 – Universe

U is Everywhere

U is Universal.

To appreciate the universality of "U" we first need to take a little trip back in time to the beginnings of human language.

The personal pronouns "I" and "You" were two of the first words of early humans. A person's identity was bound up in "I". Relationships with others were bound up in "you". Human language and social behavior grew from the interplay of "I" for one's self and "U" for the other.

The letter "U" in the second person pronoun "You" is found linguistically throughout the world and dating back 6,000 years. Indo-European languages have "duuo" for "you" and "two." Sanscript has "dua," Hindi "du" and Latin "duo"

For early humans, the first step beyond "I" – the "One" – was taken at a primary level of thought. To the awakening consciousness the world is confronted from the perspective of "self." The "I" is opposed to and distinct from what is not-I, the "Thou," the other.

English has "you" for addressing others and "Thou" for addressing God. French's "vouz," Spanish's "tu" and Italian's "tutu" derive from Latin's "tutus." Dutch has "u," Greek "du", Old German "iu", Gothic "pu" and "jus".

In Spanish the capitalized "Ud." or "Usted" is the formal address for "You." In Thailand the capital letter "U" is used to address a person, such as in U Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations during the 1960's.

Throughout history and throughout the planet, when it comes to addressing you, the "U's" have it!

Now, let's take a look at how the Internet has cemented U's 2nd person identity into global consciousness.

[Go To U on The Web]

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U Cards

U Pad

U Cover

U R.I.P.

U Apparel

Unonymous 4 - U Web

U World Wide Web

U on the World Wide Web.

A host of digital players have come together in a symphony of digital convergence to create a star out of the simple letter U. Some of the players are the Internet, domain names, apps, downloads and email. Each is a component of the 21st Century communications evolution, an evolution where brevity outperforms longevity, where abbreviations trump complete citations and where symbols and icons replace substance and identity.

This digital world pays a premium for a single letter vowel and consonant that can replace a word and a phrase.

IBM replaces International Business Machines. GE replaces General Electric. WWW replaces World Wide Web.

Pre millennial celebrities went for one word identities – Cher and Madonna. Since 2000 sports stars and celebrities have become AJ and JLO. The ultimate naming icon is a single letter of the 26 letter English alphabet. Not many can pull this off to join the exclusive One Letter Name Club.

U has accomplished the impossible. It is the prima facia letter of the One Letter Name Club. By name association of "You" with "U" you become a member of the One Letter Name Club. U replaces You.

Let's explore the most obvious example of U-for-You as it manifests itself in SMS text messaging among billions of cell phone users.

[Go To Unonymous Text]

Unonymous Gallery sells prints and downloads of unonymous art. Shop for incarnations in Unonymous Mall.

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U Cards

U Pad

U Cover

U R.I.P.

U Apparel