

Unonymous 1 – Welcome

Introduction to U

Welcome to Unonymous.

I am on a crusade for "U" and, yes, for "you" too. For more than half a century I have been living with U intimately bound up in my life. You see, I have "you" in my name. My family name is Youra. In my name I have "you" "your" and "youra." Youra revolves around "u"

Youra can be transcribed as "You're a ______" where you fill in the blank. You can imagine the suggested entries from playground talk in grade school. My personal entries to complete the open sentence were commonly "winner" and "success."

"So what?" you ask. So, I'll tell you what.

You have been a part of my life from day one and now I am offering to be a part of yours. I can show you a thing or two about "U" – somethings that I think just might help you.

You'll learn about U World, the U-niverse, origins and meanings of U and U access in Millennium Three. You'll discover the explosion of U on the world wide web and the implosion of U in cell phones, specifically in SMS text messaging.

I'll be introducing you to a few of my virtual friends – the U Family – who will help me demonstrate the value U can be in transforming your life. You'll meet Ulysses, the precocious son, his sister Ureka and their parents Uclid, "the brain", and Urana, "the heart".

But first I want to tell you more about "U World."

[Go To U World]

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